Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tornado Update... as it relates to Jasper?

As you all well know, on Good Friday (April 10, 2009) the town & county I live in was hit by a tremendously devastating tornado. The only bright spot that we could see from all of this was that our town pulled together like I haven't seen since September of 2001. When Hurricane Catrina slammed hard against New Orleans the entire state of Louisiana rallied together to rescue, place, and ultimately restore and resurrect the Big Easy. When Mother Nature twisted her way through Rutherford County, Tennessee leaving death and destruction in her wake, it sounded a rally call for more good neighbor feelings and more good steward actions. This town became a family that day. Our arms stretched and enveloped people we did not know and hands and hearts worked overtime to insure that the clean up was rapid and timely. I have posted about Kori and her daughter losing their lives. I have posted about the families that we knew losing their homes. I have posted about good people losing their businesses and their jobs. What I have not posted about is the effect all of this had on the animals in our town that were equally as effected by these tornadoes. One such little fellow is my newest buddy. My daughter insists that he looks like a Jasper. I don't know anything for sure except that she has read one too many Twilight episodes. That is where she got the name, but considering that this little fellow came to us out of that night of horror, perhaps it is fitting.
Jasper is 4 weeks old. He was born on Thursday, April 9th, the night before the storm. The people who owned his parents lost everything. Everything except the male Gator Head American Pit Bull that was Jasper's father. The Red Nose American Staffordshire Terrior that was Jasper's mother was taken by the storm leaving them with a litter of cute little fellows like Jasper.

After hand feeding them for three weeks (until their eyes opened) the task of weaning them onto hard food was simple. After four short weeks they were physically ready to place. They would not be psycologically ready as they started life without a mother. If they can overcome this just think what good dogs they will make. What an adversity! My son and I picked this little fellow out of the 3 pups that were left. Another fellow was on his way to pick the other male pup. That leaves the original owner with the father and a female pup. I am hoping he will decide to keep them both, but you never know. At this point, Jasper is the only one we can worry about. I am going to start him on trails early so as to give him the hang of letterboxing, and he will be my new letterboxing partner. I am going to introduce him to everyone at the Smack Dad In The Middle gathering. I hope everyone will like him, as he sure has added a little flavor to our lives. I don't think Lydia knows just what to think yet, but she will get used to sharing her water dish sooner or later. After all he is a Pit Bull.

1 comment:

Camp Fire Lady said...

Congratulations on your new little one. He is adorable and I know he will give you as much unconditional love as you all will give to him.