Monday, November 17, 2008

Better Late Than Never

Man, oh man, I think I have been out of commission for a few days. It has been a while since I have checked the post boards or my e-mail. Nothing real exciting to report about the upcoming event. I haven't heard back from those visitors yet. Perhaps I can reach them today and update you all, but here is a piece that is much more important. There is nothing more important to me than family and friends. I was watching the news this morning about the fires in California and the people who had lost everything except their lives and was so impressed that neighbors who's houses were literally gone were turning their attention to helping other neighbors extinguish their houses. That is a real spirit of togetherness. Sometimes all we can offer is our prayer and our thoughts, but sometimes that is enough. Sometimes that is all anyone can offer. I want everyone who is smack dab in the middle to turn their prayers and thoughts to one of our own in this time of need. Here is a post I picked up from the AQ Tennessee board dated 11/13 from Laura of BL3.

Mstrwndl, "I love the 'Smack Dab in the Middle' title." Too cute! Thanks for all you do!
Since you were already addressing the Mid-Tn boxers, I thought it would be the perfect post to ask for prayers on behalf of JaWr's daddy. He is 66 and fell off the roof of their store yesterday. They flew him to Nashville where they soon found he has a spot of blood on the brain (it will clear up), a fractured skull, fractured C-2 vertebrae, bleeding around the kidneys, and only eight of his nine lives remaining. We know he will be in a back brace for three months (I don't see that happening since this man is known for personally sawing off his arm cast at the two week mark), but I am yet to hear from the latest round of CT scans. I apologize for not requesting prayers earlier, but if you could please add her daddy to your prayers tonight I know they would deeply appreciate it.
Thank you,
B L3

A few days later (11/15) this post came came in on the same board. This time it was from Wendy of JaWr.

You guys are TOOO good! They moved Daddy out of trauma yesterday, but he was still in critical care. Today, they moved him out of critical care and into a room of his own! Spot on the brain cleared up as they thought it would, Vertebrae is cracked but won't require surgery at this time (if we can keep him still), Kidney is working and according to my brother who stayed with him last night- it's working well and often! He's sore and hurting, but he's gonna be okay. They have decided he won't have to wear that awful brace for 3 months, but he'll have an elastic band that he'll have to wear. He'll be at Vandy through Monday or Tuesday, then the PT wants him to do at least a week of rehab "because he's having balance issues". Mama forgot to tell them he had a stroke in March and now walks with a limp! He was up today and eating a little food when we visited. Now, it's time for me to go run the drive in! Thanks ya'll, you're the best. Get well soon RLL, been thinking about ya. Hope IML and TVG are taking good care of you!


This is a tribute and a testimony to the power of prayer. I know there were many of you out there and in other states who saw these two posts and who have been standing with Wendy and Laura in prayer. I just want to say thanks to all of you. Thanks to Wendy and Laura and their wonderful families for being a great and trusting part of our LBing community. Thanks to all of you who have let me get to know you and who have taken the time to get to know me and still let me into your lives. In the words of the Apostle Paul to the church at Philippi, "I thank God for every remembrance of you."
In addition to these two lovely ladies, let us continue to pray for Rockin Lunch Lady, her family and her speedy recovery.
I want to ask for a special prayer for Mike and Nancy of Team BearCat. Nancy recently lost her father and had a lot of unfinished business and lose ends to tie up in that regard. She has been a rock through it all and Mike has been a strong post to lean on, but they need our prayers as well. It has been a while since I have seen them on the boards with any regularity.
I am going to try to post a prayer request each week. If you have folks you would like to add to this list let me know.

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