Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shall We Gather At The River

The city of Murfreesboro is Smack Dab In The Middle of the state of Tennessee. On the Northeast part of town there is a monument that accounts for this geographic phenomenon. I was thinking that it would be a great idea to have as many folks as would like to come to meet at that monument, but parking would not allow, space would not allow, and the city parks and recreation department would not allow. Needless to say the Murfreesboro Police Department would not allow either. That is why we are moving it to the Southeast part of town. Besides that it will put us geographically closer to our friends in the great letterboxing state of North Carolina, where letterboxing rules. OK so it's only 7 miles closer, but every little bit helps.
Here is what we are going to do. We are going to meet at Barfield Park on Barfield Crescent Road. This park is kid and pet friendly, but please observe the leash laws at all times (you might want to leash your dogs as well). There will be lots of fun; lots of stuff for kids to do; Frisbee golf; playgrounds; picnic tables; a great trail system that follows the East Fork of The Stones River; a wonderful Widerness Station; a potluck lunch; maybe they will have a pool by then, I don't know. It isn't in the planning, but one can never say. I am going to try to teach some rocks how to play the guitar so we might have a rock concert; OK maybe that was stretching it a bit, but there will be LETTERBOXES!!!!!
We will be having a raffle for a gear bag full of gear so buy your tickets early and buy your tickets often. If you have something you would like to contribute to the raffle please contact me off-board, via AQ-mail.
Lunch as previously stated, will be potluck so everyone bring something and please let me know ahead of time what you will be bringing so we can coordinate lunch a little better and so I will know where to stand in the lunch line.
Temporary boxes will be placed all over the park for the day, but there are lots of permanent boxes around town, so if you want to get there early and box your way towards us you can.
I hope to see lots of you there. There may be some of you there that I don't care anything about seeing, but we will deal with that then. There may even be some missing that I wish had been there. We will just send the ones I don't want to see to pick you guys up. Surly everyone knows I am playing. I look forward to seeing all of you then. Now... SIGN UP!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's So Super About A Bowl?

Well, as I sit here watching the AFC and the NFC Championship games to decide who is going to the Super Bowl it dawns on me that the St. Louis Cardinals are going to the Big Dance. OK, I know they are not in St. Louis any more, but to me they will always be the St. Louis Cardinals just as the Rams will forever be from L.A. It isn't so much that they are from another part of the country, it's just that they have always sucked. Even back in 1941 when they were from Chicago they sucked, now they are going to the Super Bowl. Must be that desert air. With all of the possibility of having a Pennsylvania Super Bowl, we may have a couple of long shots fighting it out in February. Enjoy the wings! Enjoy the beer! I'll be letterboxing.

4 little piggies has a new box out there Smack Dab In The Middle, especially designed for those of you who are just too darn old to find another box. It is a great find and a wonderful box that he got from Jacks of Ohio during a stamp swap hosted by Penguin Patrol. It's called "I see you forgot..." no that isn't it. It's "Don't Leave Home Without Your ..." No that ain't it either. For those of you who don't already know, I am giving Bill a hard time. He is one of my very favorite people and his new box is called "You Left Your What??!!" and is well worth going after. Don't get in too big of a hurry, though, I already got the first find on it. So, if it smells like Bengay and Geritol you will all know why (or at least Bill will).

Everyone should be gearing up for the 2nd Gatlinburg Event. It is on April 4th and Hale's Angel is the host. If you haven't signed up here is the link.

Last year it was a blast and a must attend. I hope JoJo is oiling up her wheels because the "Walkerzilla" is revved up and rumbling. At any rate JoJo, bring the pink slip for your walker cause I'm talking it home with me.

Be on the lookout for another Middle Tennessee Event in June. The Letterboxing Smack Dab In The Middle Gathering will be coming up in June. More to come concerning.

Friday, January 9, 2009

If I Remember Correctly...

My dad is a pencil pusher from way back. He has filled out taxes for as many years as I can remember for more folks than I can remember. About 5 years ago we as a family started noticing some slippage occurring. First he couldn't find things that were right in front of him. Next, he would double book appointments. When he started getting testy with the people who supported his business, namely his clients, it was time to seek some help. Test after test after test droned on and eventually we were informed that Dad has Alzheimer's. We try our best to support him and be there for him in all that he needs and in all that we do, but the inevitable has happened. He has started forgetting who we are. There are times when he is there, but there are times when he just seems to be somewhere else. I know the violent stage is coming and then the shut down happens. This is a horrifying sickness. For those who have it and for those who have to deal with those who have it. Fortunately, Dad has not had to go to a nursing home yet, but that is on the horizon. Modern medicine has done all it can with all it has to combat this situation, but sooner or later there is nothing they can do either. That is why we need the help of all of you. The Alzheimer's Association has set up a website to help you learn more about what you can do to help and to inform everyone about this horrible disease. Take a look at the pin on the top left of this blog. For a donation to the Alzheimer's Association you can acquire one of these pins to wear and let everyone know what they can do to help as well. Make a donation and wear your pin. If anyone asks about it, tell them where they can learn more and get a pin for themselves.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Boxes Smack Dab In The Middle

Blessed! Blessed, I tell you. Blessed is what we were. Two weeks ago I was at work at the museum and got a call over the intercom to come to the service desk. I was just a bit busy so I called the front desk and asked them what they needed. They said there were some folks here to visit me. I asked them who it might be and the girl at the desk said she didn't know, just that they were from Colorado. When I got down stairs to the service desk guess who I happened to be standing face to face and eventually arm in arm with? It was TaiChi and ChaiTea (Dick & Peg), Boxing at 88, and another member of the family who I think turned out later to be Peg's brother. We visited for about an hour and they went on about letterboxing and I went back to work. There are 6 boxes inside the museum where I work and they had a big time. I was, however, the one who was blessed. They are such a radiant couple in touch with the works of the Lord in their lives such that the Lord has made a shine emit from them. They illuminate the lives of everyone they come in contact with. If these two don't make you feel loved, you're just unlovable. After they left I went about my business and within a couple of days I noticed new boxes in the area that were planted by Taekwondo_Clan. Later I learned that they were also friends of Dick & Peg's.
Then, last week I get this phone call at work and lollipop's mom and Pelican Pal were downstairs, from Memphis, wanting to get the boxes in the museum and a couple more outside. These two ladies and I visited for about an hour and had a blast! They are as charming as anyone I have ever met. It would have been nice to have had enough time to set up a mini meet for everyone to meet them, but it was spur. From there they went out into our town and boxed all day. The next day or two after that I found 2 more new boxes "Smack Dab In The Middle". You guys need to go get these new boxes and thank our visitors for taking the time to leave something behind for us to enjoy.