Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Boxes Smack Dab In The Middle

Blessed! Blessed, I tell you. Blessed is what we were. Two weeks ago I was at work at the museum and got a call over the intercom to come to the service desk. I was just a bit busy so I called the front desk and asked them what they needed. They said there were some folks here to visit me. I asked them who it might be and the girl at the desk said she didn't know, just that they were from Colorado. When I got down stairs to the service desk guess who I happened to be standing face to face and eventually arm in arm with? It was TaiChi and ChaiTea (Dick & Peg), Boxing at 88, and another member of the family who I think turned out later to be Peg's brother. We visited for about an hour and they went on about letterboxing and I went back to work. There are 6 boxes inside the museum where I work and they had a big time. I was, however, the one who was blessed. They are such a radiant couple in touch with the works of the Lord in their lives such that the Lord has made a shine emit from them. They illuminate the lives of everyone they come in contact with. If these two don't make you feel loved, you're just unlovable. After they left I went about my business and within a couple of days I noticed new boxes in the area that were planted by Taekwondo_Clan. Later I learned that they were also friends of Dick & Peg's.
Then, last week I get this phone call at work and lollipop's mom and Pelican Pal were downstairs, from Memphis, wanting to get the boxes in the museum and a couple more outside. These two ladies and I visited for about an hour and had a blast! They are as charming as anyone I have ever met. It would have been nice to have had enough time to set up a mini meet for everyone to meet them, but it was spur. From there they went out into our town and boxed all day. The next day or two after that I found 2 more new boxes "Smack Dab In The Middle". You guys need to go get these new boxes and thank our visitors for taking the time to leave something behind for us to enjoy.

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