Friday, January 9, 2009

If I Remember Correctly...

My dad is a pencil pusher from way back. He has filled out taxes for as many years as I can remember for more folks than I can remember. About 5 years ago we as a family started noticing some slippage occurring. First he couldn't find things that were right in front of him. Next, he would double book appointments. When he started getting testy with the people who supported his business, namely his clients, it was time to seek some help. Test after test after test droned on and eventually we were informed that Dad has Alzheimer's. We try our best to support him and be there for him in all that he needs and in all that we do, but the inevitable has happened. He has started forgetting who we are. There are times when he is there, but there are times when he just seems to be somewhere else. I know the violent stage is coming and then the shut down happens. This is a horrifying sickness. For those who have it and for those who have to deal with those who have it. Fortunately, Dad has not had to go to a nursing home yet, but that is on the horizon. Modern medicine has done all it can with all it has to combat this situation, but sooner or later there is nothing they can do either. That is why we need the help of all of you. The Alzheimer's Association has set up a website to help you learn more about what you can do to help and to inform everyone about this horrible disease. Take a look at the pin on the top left of this blog. For a donation to the Alzheimer's Association you can acquire one of these pins to wear and let everyone know what they can do to help as well. Make a donation and wear your pin. If anyone asks about it, tell them where they can learn more and get a pin for themselves.

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