Saturday, February 28, 2009

In The Middle and Running!

After spending several hours in deliberation and several more on the phone with first one city official and then another, it would appear that we may have the go ahead with Barfield Park. This gathering has turned into a fiasco as far as procuring a location is concerned. For a moment I thought it was going to have to be moved to Murfree Springs wetland, but I finally got in touch with the lady at Parks and Recreation and she is excited about working with us again. Now I have an appointment with the lady who is the park manager to iron out the do's and don'ts. I am perfectly willing to work with them any way I can to pull this together. For those of you who don't remember this park, it is the same park where we had a mini meet for Maude, and a farewell for mashley. I have several new boxes to debut at the gathering and a new idea for another box. We also have boxes coming in from around the US again. Some coming from NC, OR, WA, NY, maybe AL, and quite possibly from AK. At any rate, the ones I am most excited about are from right here, Smack Dab In The Middle. 4 little piggies has volunteered to carve us a couple of boxes and an event stamp and you guys know what an awesome artist he is. I have a new event stamp for this shin-dig and I will be unveiling a new box called "Tattoo You". It is a large green bucket with a pad lock on it's lid. Inside there are 9 stamps that go together to make a large picture (this is one you will want to log on a separate piece of paper.) When you get the bucket opened it will be up to you to stamp the 9 different stamps in the correct order to make a picture. Then it will be up to you to color the picture as accurately as possible. The first one to complete this project will win another prize. OH, WAIT! Did I mention opening the bucket? Here is the kicker. The bucket will be sitting in plane sight for everyone to find. Inside the bucket there is a logbook, 9 stamps and the first finders prize. The first finder will win the prize. BUT WAIT, YET AGAIN! Did I mention the padlock on the lid? You won't be able to access any of this fine stuff until you get the lid off. The lid ain't coming off without the key. I have Carmen Sanchez to thank for that. He and I played at work for a half a day making sure that the lid wasn't coming off that darn bucket. You will need to find the key. ONE MORE WAIT! Did he say find the key? Yep! He said find the key. I know this sounds strange to a lot of you folks, but consider who's driving this bus. You wouldn't expect anything less complicated from me, now would you?
June is a beautiful time of the year in Rutherford County, Tennessee. There is one thing that I want to remind everyone of and talk frankly with everyone who is in attendance. The Barfield Crescent Park has a natural rattlesnake den in the rocky section of the trail. That does not mean that these animals will confine themselves to their den. Please, be on your guard while on the back country trails, and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will you be allowed to venture onto the "Rocky Trail loop". It will be off limits to the gathering. As a matter of fact it will be closed that day. This is a great place to hike and camp, but it is no place to be careless. One thing is for sure. If you leave them alone, they will return the favor.
Now, everyone tense up. It's getting closer. Let's have some summer fun at....
The Smack Dab In The Middle Letterbox Gathering!

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