Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Go Ahead!!!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know, (I am so exited excuse me if I am just a little vachlem...) I just got back from talking to Angela Jackson (Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation) and Deborah Paschall (Director Barfield Crescent Park) and (OMG... I am soaring) and do you know what they told me? Of course you don't honey, cause if you did it would mean that you were folded up flat in my pocket and there with me, and of course we both know that if you had been folded up and in my pocket I would have eventually sat on you and squished you flat. But wait if you were folded flat already I could not have squished you flat cause there just isn't a such thing as twice flattened. You and I both know that a thing can only be flattened once, kind of like a tire you know? Only flat one one side? Well, actually it would be flat all the way around which doesn't make any sense to me because a thing can't be flat and round at the same time. Well, it can if it's a coin, cause you know, a coin is flat and round at the same time, unless it is a 3 1/2 dribnoss coin from Spallputistan and then they are square with a square whole in the middle. Yep! Right there......

We got confirmation on our gathering. It will be at Barfield Crescent Park just outside the Wilderness Station in one of the pavillions.

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