Wednesday, March 18, 2009


This is a series of 9 LTCs that I made from the artwork on my right forearm. I thought that some day it was going to get faded and the lines would explode with time. I was just so taken by the design that I thought it had to be a set of LTCs. I made 5 copies of the set and then turned the stamps into a traditional plant of sorts. The reason for this post is for those of you who acquire the LTCs as well as those of you who find the box can get a key map for the original colors. The stamps are positive images so they stamp out like a coloring book. The idea was for you to color it what ever color you want to color it, and that is still the idea, but for those who want the original colors in tact, here they are. If this is a box you want to try to acquire keep in mind that it is 9 stamps.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Letterboxing Tennessee Treasure Hikers

Letterboxing Tennessee Treasure Hikers!

Announcing a fun new aspect to letterboxing in Tennessee (as brought to us by our wonderful friends and neighbors in the beautiful state of North Carolina)!!!

Several friends and cohorts have been tossing around ideas about this for a month or so and here’s what they have come up with, solely for fun and enjoyment! Where do we fit into this scheme here in Tennessee? Well these great neighbors to the east have invited us to partake in our own Treasure Hikers group using their rules and regulations. I think it would be fun to do this in every state in America, but let's start with Tennessee since we're here.

Introducing the Letterboxing Tennessee Treasure Hiker’s challenge – it works like this – accumulate 25 “hiking” points and you will be awarded a really cool pathtag. I here the amazing, beautiful and most astute Queen of the South, Mrs. Dixie, is designing the NC pathtag and if I play my cards right and do a little bread buttering I may be able to get her to assist us in the same venture. (as soon as Dixie gets over The Flu)

How do you accumulate the points, you ask? It’s very simple:

Hike while letterboxing.

See – it’s that simple.

But to make it easier – here are some guidelines.

*You get a point for every mile hiked while letterboxing (finding or planting) – but each hike must be a minimum of one (1) mile in length.

*If you plant a letterbox (or boxes) on a hike, you get one extra point (sorry, one per hike, not one per box planted).

*The start date is March 4, 2009 – all hiking must be done after that date.

*Keep track of your hikes and boxes found. When you get your 25 points, email me, Dixie or Knit Wit with your list, and you will receive your tag!! List should include date, mileage, boxes found.

*All hikes must be done IN the great state of Tennessee (anywhere in Tennessee, mountains to valleys, plateaus to plains... and all points in between) – but ANY letterboxer is eligible – you don’t have to be a resident of Tennessee to participate. That means if you go to North Carolina you can log miles for one of their special pathtags as well. I think South Carolina is in on this one as well.

*It’s on the honor system, we trust you!!

Why are we doing this? Just for fun! And to encourage hiking, planting and being in the great outdoors letterboxing in the great state of Tennessee.

Here is a more formal list of rules that were deliberated over long and hard. It took some real patience to do this. More than I have got.

Also look for:

NC Treasure Hikers, brought to you by The Little Foxes and friends;;gThreadId=50533

SC Treasure Hikers, brought to you by dtandfambly and friends;gThreadId=50530

Separate pathtags will be awarded for each challenge - start your collection today!

Any questions – AQ mail me and wait patiently for a reply.

Go Ahead!!!!!

Just wanted to let everyone know, (I am so exited excuse me if I am just a little vachlem...) I just got back from talking to Angela Jackson (Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation) and Deborah Paschall (Director Barfield Crescent Park) and (OMG... I am soaring) and do you know what they told me? Of course you don't honey, cause if you did it would mean that you were folded up flat in my pocket and there with me, and of course we both know that if you had been folded up and in my pocket I would have eventually sat on you and squished you flat. But wait if you were folded flat already I could not have squished you flat cause there just isn't a such thing as twice flattened. You and I both know that a thing can only be flattened once, kind of like a tire you know? Only flat one one side? Well, actually it would be flat all the way around which doesn't make any sense to me because a thing can't be flat and round at the same time. Well, it can if it's a coin, cause you know, a coin is flat and round at the same time, unless it is a 3 1/2 dribnoss coin from Spallputistan and then they are square with a square whole in the middle. Yep! Right there......

We got confirmation on our gathering. It will be at Barfield Crescent Park just outside the Wilderness Station in one of the pavillions.