Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hey Middle Tennessee Letterboxers

Hello, hello, hello!

Ain't it great to be alive and be in Tennessee? Let me start by saying hello and welcome home to RLL. I was shattered to read about your accident, but I want you to know that you were cheek to cheek with the Lord. His tears washed you with the healing He provided for you. We lifted you as high as we could in prayer and were thankful and blessed to have a God who reached down the rest of the way. You are so important to us and we all hope that your recovery is speedy and complete. We will miss you on the trails, but I am sure it will only be for a short while. Keep those LTCs coming until then.

I am so blessed to be here with so many wonderful people around me. Letterboxing is a big part of my life and so are the friends I have made in letterboxing. That is why when I read this blog I was positive that I wanted to help. I simply knew that those of us who were Smack Dab in the Middle would want to respond as well. It never fails that when tragedy occurs, Volunteers will rally to help. I am not going to spend a whole lot of time and words trying to talk anyone into anything, I just want those of you who have animals in your lives and recognize the importance of our pets to PLEASE read this blog.

Now, if you read that blog and there is a desire within you to lend a hand then check this out. Keep in mind it will only cost you $5.00 and can be done through PayPal if you have an account. If you don't have a PayPal account you can contact BONE YARD RECORDER for a snail address.

Well, did I hit any heart strings? I hope so!

OK, OK, OK! The bad news is that our own IML was working on a mini meet that got put on hold due to unforeseen circumstances. As previously mentioned, things worked out OK and Mom is at home now. Now, little Jo Jo, the good news is that we have visitors coming from out of town and it is time for a mini meet this month. I will be announcing this soon and will be making the arrangements very soon.

Last but, not least, this post is the first installment of a new blog called
"Smack Dab In The Middle"
I will be reporting on up coming events and interesting information right here, smack dab in the middle of the great state of Tennessee. Be on the lookout and make sure you subscribe. In the mean time, there are two new traditional letterboxes right smack dab in the middle to keep you busy. The first one is the Box Of The Month Tennessee. It was truly an honor to be considered part of this annual series and each of the participants for BOM 2009 will have a box in this state (smack dab in the middle) for at least 2 1/2 weeks. Keep an eye on this box.

The boxes will be planted on the 1st of each month and retired on the 21st of each month. There will be 13 different boxes, with the 13th box planted permanently.

The second box is called "Over My Bridge..."

Check'em out and happy boxing!

1 comment:

Mark H. Morrison said...

Gonna try for Over My Bridge tomorrow.

Looks like we may have a shot at First to Find.

We're friends of Tai Chi and Chi Tea. I work with their Sister-in-law.

The kids would love to meet you some time, they love your stamps.

Taekwondo Clan
Eleazarr, Precious, Snowflake Girl,
Padwan, and Isabella.